planet dance

planet dance

Thursday, January 13, 2011

How DNA changed we invetigate crimes?

DNA has changed the way we investigate crimes in many different ways. It changes the way we investigate because now we have to make sure that the victim that your accusing has any relation to the crime. That's why the investigation process has changed because now the investigators have to send in a sample of the DNA to the science lab so that they can test it to see whose blood or hair is it . Now the DNA helps out and finds the person most reasonable for the crime that was committed. The DNA show the exact person or people that committed the crime and it helps the investigators know how to put into jail.  The two main types of DNA testing are Mitochondrial DNA testing and Y Chromosomes testing. Mitochondrial DNA testing can trace maternal ancestry and there are three regions that are tested. The regions are the coding region, HVR1, and HVR2. The Y Chromosomes testing can trace a person's paternal ancestry and the father is the one that passes his Y chromosomes to the son.

1 comment:

  1. DNA testing by way of oral swabs is by far the standard procedure of sample collection as it's really quick to perform; nevertheless DNA tests, such as paternity testing.

    DNA Tests
