There are many organisms that we have dissected which are the clam, fish, crayfish, worm, grasshopper, frog and starfish. The ones that have the same habitat is the starfish and the clam the both live in clean water. The body systems that they have are respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular, and many others. Their oragns have to be close to the same because they live in water and their organs have to adapt to the water so its bulit to fit the water habitat. the digestive and respiratory system have to be alike in order to save in the water they have to have a digestive system that will be able to digestive the food and a respiratory system that will and allow the organism to breath. These to organisms are different in many ways one because of their exteior shell and the way its bulit to hide the organism from its enemies. Another way is that they live in different parts of the ocean one lives near the shore and one lives on the bottom of the ocean. The clam develops pearls which the starfish does not do at all so therefore the oragnisms are simliar and different.
nadine flores
planet dance

Thursday, May 19, 2011
Thursday, May 5, 2011
What was most interesting about this week's dissections?
There were many dissections to choose from that we have done in biology. It was interestng to see the body part of many different animals. The worm and the crayfish were very interesting to see how each animal survive off the little organs that it has. The organs and body systems ared different and similar to others animals body systems. The most intersting dissection was the worm because i didnt get grossed out like i thought because it was clear to see the parts of the worms and to see its blood vessels and how the body of a worm works.
What surprised you from the worm's dissection?
The worm dissection was very interesting I have never seem anything like it before. It was a surprised to me because I am used to a human body structure. A human body structure it completely different from an animals body structure because it uses different organs and systems that keeps it alive. The worm dissection was surprising to me because i have never seen a structure so different. I never knew that a worm even had blood vessels i didn't know it had a heart i didn't know its body systems until i did the worm dissection.
Get a picture of alternation of generations put it in your blog and explain how it relates to plants
In this picture it shows alternation of generations and it shows that it relates to plants. This process shows what is in plants and how many pores and gametes they are. The term of alternation of generation is related to the life cycle of plants . Diploid and Haploid generation shows the cycle of fertilization, meiosis, and mitosis of a plant. It relates to a plant because its the life cycle of a plant's life.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Why is dissection an important part of a biology curriculum? Which animals and/or plants should be included in biological studies?
The biology curriculum is designed to continue student investigations and deepen student understanding of the biological sciences. In-depth study of the following concepts is included: the cell, the molecular basis of heredity, biological evolution, the interdependence of organisms, matter, energy and organization in living systems, and the adaptive responses of organisms. In biology the plants are animals that we need to learn about is and endangered species and the plants that show the students the different processes of biology.
Define the different forms of community interaction: competition, commensalism, mutualism, predation, parasitism Give an example and a picture for each
There are different forms of community interaction which is competition, commensalism, mutualism, predation, and parasitism. This type of interaction is called mutualism this means that both species benefit from interaction. Another type of interaction is called commenalism is one species benefits and the one is unaffected. Competition is when each species is affected negatively. And both predation and parasitism is when one species benefits and the other has a disadvantage.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Ask a question on something confusing you?
The country projects are really confusing me because i do not know exact what to do and how to do it . I have read the directions on how to do the project but the directions are confusing me. I don't understand exactly how to use moodle and how to put pictures on the project its hard. I am not good with computers they really confuse me so when i have to do project i try the best i can to understand exactly what to do. And what i am going to do is first try it one more time then go and ask my teacher for help.
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